Sunday, May 30, 2010

House Music: Kendal Johansson's "Blue Moon"

Kendal Johansson / Heidi Nilausen from AHDW on Vimeo.

Leave it to me to be inspired by such a moody piece of music on the first summer-like day we've had in L.A. for a while. I can taste life most when I'm amongst juxtapositions, and the music video for Kendal Johansson's cover of Big Star’s "Blue Moon" is just the atmospheric piece to accompany this backdrop of sunshine and blue skies I can see from my bedroom window. For those of you aren't familiar with my sporadic House Music selections, the music videos I post from time-to-time are suggestions for creating a visual playlist for entertaining or just lounging in your home. I find that my party guests really enjoy music videos playing in the background (as opposed to just playing a playlist,) so my selections offer visuals that could work perfectly on your flatscreen, complimenting your home's decor with another layer of style... For me, motion picture is just as important as fresh cut flowers by the powder room sink. I've often thought that music videos, as an artistic medium, haven't received the respect that they deserve. Of course, MTV did pioneer the genre at first, but they gave that up years ago. To me, the cross section of music and film is a form of art deserving of equal status in the art world. And when I say 'art world,' I mean fine art world. Just saying.

In case you need the info: the video was directed by Philippe Tempelman and Christian Kian Zubicky, and styled by Heidi Nilausen, all students at Beckmans College of Design in Stockholm.


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