Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Part II
what is the name of your line and how did you come up with the name.
Luuk is founded by me and my boyfriend, Martin. At first we came up with the name Look, of course that was original, and at the same time we had a common belief that fashion was "all about U", U as in yourself, so we changed the 'O's in LOOK to 'U's. LUUK!
describe the vibe/style of your LUUK brand We always want to give off this fun vibe and surprise factor that is different from other brands. We try to do that through our photos, so we put in lots of efforts in finding shoot locations and sometimes props. We hope our photos can speak a thousand words for our clothes and designs.
how long has the label been available to the public Luuk has been available since June, so we are still relatively new and have alot more to learn about!
if so, how does your blog help or hurt the promotion of your line.I feel my blog and Luuk generally give off the same vibe and Luuk's designs basically speak alot about my personal style and vice versa. My blog can definitely help my customers and readers understand and appreciate Luuk better.

who is your target market We love girls who are not afraid to have fun and experiment with fashion! Although we are situated in Singapore, we welcome with loving arms, people from all over the world! and you don't have to be rich to shop at Luuk, you could get our awesome sequin jacket for as low as US$20:)).
are you the sole designer or do you have a team behind you
Currently we do not design our clothes, rather we source for them overseas. However, we are currently looking into designing our clothes for the near future, we are really looking forward to it!
what are some of the challenges of launching an independent line We definitely do not have the budget to compete with the big online retailers or put up advertisements. So we rely mostly on facebook, twitter, lookbook, my blog to gain exposure. and of course we could rely on our friends, who would help us spread the love for Luuk, and their friends of friends would buy from us and spread it to their other friends and friends. it's a long chain. so if you're reading this and you like Luuk, show us some love on Luuk's facebook here! BE OUR FAN
where do you see your line in 3-5 years We paint rainbows for Luuk's future, it's an amazing scene.We see our very own boutique store, not too big a place, nice and cosy with this great youthful vibe. We'll have all our wide range of clothes and shoes and stuff hanging from rainbows on the first floor, and there will be great music to accompany our stylish customers while they shop. We'll give out free candy floss at the door and have plenty of photos hanging from big trees, photos of us and of our great customers who will become part of our lives. They'll come hangout at our lounge/office at the second floor and try on our chic designer clothes and they'll buy. then we'll all sit by our big angelic white cushioned sofa and chat over a cup of freshly brewed coffee and then life goes on...

So shop at Luuk cos you do wish for this beautiful dream to come true, don't you?

what advice do you have for those with the passion to start their own line
The journey is long and difficult and amazing all at the same time. Persevere for you will reap great rewards and experience.
who is your photographer. you have amazing picture on both your blog and your online store. Thank you! Luuk's photographer is mostly Martin, but for our first collection "wild child", we had our friend, Genevieve took my photos (she's awesome). Martin and I have great chemistry. We have lots of fun during photo shoots so the results can sometimes be better than we expected:)

Thank you so much for interviewing Luuk, we adore fashionjinx too! We would like to give all fashion jinx's readers 10% discount when they shop at Luuk! Just enter discount code "LUUKLOVESFASHIONJINX" to enjoy this privilege!

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