Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Women's Conference: Estrogen Anyone?

My client, David Phoenix, invited our entire office to the annual California Governor and First Lady’s Conference on Women, AKA The Women's Conference. 24,998 women, along with David & I, attended the nation’s premier forum for women. The mission of The Women’s Conference is to inspire, empower and educate women to be "Architects of Change" in their own lives and in the lives of others. The conference was jam-packed with events, workshops, and insightful speakers... lot's of "aha moments" a la Oprah. The lineup of speakers were amazing, but my favorite had to be Anthropologist, Jane Goodall. Known for her lifelong studies on the behavior of Chimps, she basically compared us to the species and INSISTED that we are very, very, very similar beings.

So to recap: I was practically the only man there, and I was being told that I was basically a Chimpanzee!


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