Tuesday, December 28, 2010

how did you come up with the name of your blog Ellevictoire My name in french is Victoire (pronounced vick-twar) and I added the Elle in front as an afterthought. I'm convinced that everything sounds better in french!
when where you introduced to fashion When I was 12 and picked up my first fashion magazine - Instyle. I remember being completely infatuated with my first fashion idol's style - Kate Moss. how do you describe your style Casual and toned-down Asian punk. My new Doc Martens boots have inspired me to dress a completely different way!
what made you start a fashion blog The first fashion blog I discovered was Childhoodflames.blogspot.com by Camille. Her amazing photos and inspiring style really made me want to have my own space to develop my photography and style as well. So I guess that's how Ellevictoire started! what do you think you bring to the fashion blog world I just like to remind people that fashion doesn't have to be all about high heels and Chanel bags; it can be playful and comfortable too! A couple days ago, I got an email from a reader telling me that she hadn't seen an outfit picture like mine featuring sneakers in a long time. how is your style different than everyone else I don't really dress according to what's "in". I just wear things I'm comfortable with and that look good on me. I mean, I like to know what's in trend and everything, but I hardly run after it the whole time. The high-waist pants were really going strong for a while, but I totally ignored the trend, since I looked like crap with them.
who is your inspiration Musicians mostly - artists like Maja Ivarsson (The Sounds) really inspire me. Also casually chic women like Dree Hemingway, Kirsten Dunst and Chloe Sevigny. what impression do you want to leave on the people that visits your blog I hope I make people feel young and creative. I try to post a lot of various things - my artwork, inspirational photos, my photography, outfit photos, photoshopped works...I hope people never get bored of my blog! what piece is a must have in your closet A pair of Doc Martens boots!

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