Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Featured blogger-RebelAngel

Rebel Angel

How do you get your inspiration for the outfits you wear ?
I'm mostly inspired in my outfits by people I see everyday such as when I'm out shopping, going to uni or just around, and by other fashion blogs. I'm not generally inspired by celebrities, although there are some whose fashion I like, for example Alexa Chung and Emma Watson.

How would you describe your style?
I always find this a difficult question! I would probably describe my style as fun and flirty, mostly girly with touches that make it a little different to everyone else. I like to have something that makes my outfit stand out just a little bit, pushes the boundaries a little bit (for example, a pair of bright colourful tights), and that I almost feel uncomfortable with, but push myself to feel comfortable in – I think this gives me more confidence to wear different things.

Does the hosiery you wear dictate the clothes,outfit you wear ?
For me it quite often does. I might decide, I want to wear my yellow tights today and centre my outfit around them. I use tights or over the knee socks not just for warmth, but as a major part of my fashion statement.

What is in your hosiery drawer or closet ? 
You do not want to see a picture! It is a mess!! I have a box just full of tights – I have black, grey, see through, brown, purple, yellow, green, sheer black, bow print, heart print, diamond print, floral, lace, fishnet and so many more, I really have far too many but I like the difference they can make to a simple outfit.

Where do you shop for hoseiry ? 
I buy a lot from Primark as I am very clumsy and rip them a lot!! So it's better for me to get cheap ones =) I also buy some from New Look, Topshop and Urban Outfitters. I generally buy black opaque tights from M&S because they're good quality and last longer.

What was the last item of hosiery you brought, how much you spent etc ?
I bought some sheer polka dot and sheer bow print tights from Primark for £2 each.

Do you prefer sheer or opaque tights,stockings or holdups,socks or kneehighs,sheer toe or reinforced?
I love them all!! Generally my favourites are coloured opaque tights, or patterned tights.

How does wearing tights make you feel emotionally ? 
I like to wear colourful or patterned tights to make my outfit stand out a bit more, but I also like how feminine they feel.

What are your style tips for wearing tights?
Don't be afraid to pair different coloured or patterned tights with outfits that aren't all black, you can match them up with another colour in the outfit, or clash them, sometimes that's fun!!

Do you keep a spare pair of tights in your bag ?
No, I'm lazy!! I rip them...I just leave them on till I get home =D

Do you recycle your tights if not how many pairs of tights do you throw away each month ? What was the last pair you put in the bin ?
As I mentioned before, I tend to ladder and rip tights a lot. This is generally around the top, so sometime I cut them to make them into socks, but not often, I'll usually just throw them away. Last pair I put in the bin was a lovely heart print pair, but they were utterly destroyed...I was sad to see them go!

Rebelangels article on how to wear coloured tights

I have been noticing more and more recently my tendency to throw on a pair of coloured or patterned tights with my outfits. I'm not sure where this has suddenly come from, but I'm just going with it and really enjoying it.
When I look back over my outfits, I notice that last year when it became tights wearing weather, I would just resort to my black opaque tights, hence why I have about a thousand pairs of these. Although I still believe that a pair of black tights can make an outfit, I also now believe that a pair of different coloured tights can possibly do this even better.
I did try experimenting with different coloured tights in my younger teenage years, probably about age 15, when I had a pair of bright (honestly fluorescent) tights, which I still have and use solely for rave parties, and some red and black striped footless tights. I think I had the wrong end of the stick here, I can see what I was trying to do, but it just wasn't working.
I think my problem with being stuck in a rut of black opaque tights stemmed from school, where if we were wearing a skirt (which I always did, I never liked trousers at school), we would have to wear tights, either tan or black, and I generally always went for the black, unless we had to look smart that day for some reason; but now I've been away from school for a year, I've started branching out and trying new things, playing around a bit with my style, and the main way in which I seem to have done this is with legwear.
I should probably get round to the "how can you wear them" part of this sometime around now. Okay, well you can pretty much wear them anyway you like. And don't just think that because your tights are bright you have to wear black everywhere else; although this can look really good, it certainly isn't a fashion rule I follow.
So if you've never worn coloured or patterned tights before, how do you start?
You can either just go for it, throw yourself in at the deep end with a pair of bright purple tights and a floral print dress (see pictures below), or you can work your way in, starting with brown or grey, or black with a simple polka dot pattern for example. There are a lot of different ranges of tights on the market at the moment, Primark for example does cheap alternative (by this I mean alternative to black) tights that you can buy for £2 or so, try them, and if you don't like them, don't worry about it!
As I said, you don't need to pair them with a totally black outfit, you can pick out a colour from your outfit and match them to that, or you don't even need to do that, you can clash them!
So here are a few of the ways I've worn coloured and patterned tights so far this winter, you can be sure to see some more looks coming up from me with different tights, so keep a look out! And if you have any outfits with different tights you'd like to show me, any other tips you want to share, or any questions to ask, feel free to let me know in my comments.

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