how did you come up with the name of your blog I've had a lot of people ask me if "Fred" is a boy. It's not a hopeless teenage crush. Frederick Hans Gutenburg (named by my friend) is my Canon 450D. I'm Jess. It's pretty self explanatory from there on.
when where you introduced to fashion I walked into a Salvation Army store one day on the hunt for a Polaroid camera, and I ended up thrifting some threads. I ended up getting so obsessed with thrifting, and my interest in fashion stemmed from that.
how do you describe your style An elderly lady on a diet of rainbows and high heels with a lonely heart. what made you start a fashion blog I think I just wanted an outlet to whine about things I wanted to buy, but had no money to.
what do you think you bring to the fashion blog world Hopefully, I bring a different perspective. I post a lot of other people's photography and random musings, so my blog is largely not just about fashion - which I hope is refreshing. Also, I'm the only fashion blogger I know who has a giant deer, space ship and a rooster in their header. how is your style different than everyone else Well, I wear a lot of grandma silk blouses, and I incorporate a lot of color into my outfits. Color and pussy-bow blouses. I guess that sets me apart, to an extent.
who is your inspiration One of my best friends - Shirley Cai. Flickr. She's an amazing friend, a trooper, an incrediballs photographer and a beautiful human being. Also, The Beatles.what impression do you want to leave on the people that visits your blog "This girl has way too many vintage bags. And I would not mind having her as company in the case of a zombie apocalypse."
who is your favorite designer Sretsis and Shakuhachi. Yay for Aussies! what piece is a must have in your closet My thrifted bags and my DIY cut offs have lasted me through all the seasons.
Jess Loves Fred