It was perfect timing for me as my nights are about to get drastically longer due to all the fashion week preparations for September!
I must admit I was dreading the 9 hour flight as I am terrified of planes and heights. The very thought of even being the air makes me feel sick :(
I kept thinking about my flight to China and saying to myself "at least It's a shorter flight!"
When we finally got to Barbados I def felt it was all so worth it! The weather was gorgeous and Virgin, who we flew with and booked our trip with, took very good care of us and greeted us with lots of ice cold water!!!
We generally filled our days with plenty of exciting activities which included a boat cruise, speed boat riding and visiting the famous caves!
Above pic: The Caves
It also happened to be my friend's birthday whilst in Barbados so there was nothing better than celebrating it with champagne and cocktails on the beach by Daphne's mmm :)
We visited the famous sandy lane where Tiger Woods once got married and where regulars include Simon Cowell.
Below pic: The Famous Sandy Lane
Above pic: Me in the Sandy Lane Library. My tan is soooo visible in this pic :)
Unfortunately we did not bump into Rihanna but heard a lot of her music played everywhere :)
The food in Barbados was very impressive I must say!! No matter where we went the food was always yummy!!

I spent most days living in playsuits! The weather was sooooo hot as expected so my clothes were very selective!
Below pics: Some of my holiday fashions and snaps
It was great to return to gorgeous weather in London for a change!
As we loved saying at the end of each adventure in Barbados "party done"! Lol
Bye for now!