Monday, March 29, 2010

I so love these shoes

I so love these shoes if i only knew where they came from ! I got them on ebay last year for about 4 pounds and all i know is that they have a symbol like an E or a G inside, i just can't make it out. They damn hurt my feet though, the price of nice heels.
 I was trawling through my hard drive this morning, having a bit of a clean out and came across all the pictures i have posted to the FML private group. I will now start to post them here, there mostly just pictures of all the random tights and shoes i own. Suppose its quite relevant to the blog and probably about time i posted something about myself but then again the point of this blog is not about me its about finding new bloggers that you might not of seen before, sharing my love of legwear and making the point of what a difference hosiery can make on an outfit. Hopefully i will have a new interview up by the end of the week,it does seem to be everyones favourite part of the blog. Let me know your thoughts.

Oringina xo






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