Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Featured blogger in a sweater poorly knit


How do you get your inspiration for the outfits you wear ?
I draw inspiration from pretty much every movie I've ever seen, every song I've ever heard, and every person I've ever seen. Everything I see has an effect on me from street style to Vogue spreads. My style basically comes from a medley of everything I've ever come into contact with, which is why I think it's so spontaneous.




Who has had the biggest fashon influence on your outfits ?
Definitely just people in general. A person can make me hate or love a look or trend, but ultimately I have the biggest influence on myself and what I choose to wear. I was told the other day that, "You have such cute style, but every day you dress like you're going to church." But I took that as a compliment. That in a sea of Ugg boots and North Face jackets at my Oklahoma high school, I'm the girl in playful dresses, tights, and heels.


If you could own someones hosiery drawer who would it be ?
ModCloth.com. I love browsing their tights...I wonder what their fashion closet of tights looks like? A rainbow maybe? But they seriously have such quirky ones that I can't seem to find anywhere else. I'm in love with the O'Keefe tights, and I'm impatiently waiting for them to come back in stock! http://www.modcloth.com/store/ModCloth/Womens/Accessories/Socks+Tights/O+Keefe+Tights

What made you start posting your pictures on chictopia ? 
Well I knew that fashion networking was becoming more and more advanced, and I figured the best way to get my blog out there was to connect with other bloggers. And it's really worked! I've discovered people that I draw such a huge inspiration from through networking sites like Chictopia and Weardrobe. 


What blogs and websites do you follow and why ? 
I follow so many it's hard to keep track! But ones I definitely check every day are Bryanboy, Sally Jane Vintage, Libemarlene, Sea of Shoes, Delightfully Tacky (this girl has some killer tights!), Le Blog de Betty, Kansas COuture, Sartorialist, Selective Potential, The Clothes Horse, Selective Potential, Sequin Magazine....I follow all of these blogs because I feel like these girls have such a creative take on fashion. 



Would you describe yourself as a trendsetter or fashion follower ?
Both. For example, at my school I'm more of a trendsetter. Because about 7/10 girls wear oversized bows, jeans tucked into Ugg boots, North Face jackets, and a Hollister / Abercrombie t-shirt. Everyone looks the same and it's dreadfully boring. But when it comes to other blogs and magazines like Vogue, Nylon, and Russh, I'm a follower. And addict more like. Magazine and blogs are a constant and never-ending source for inspiration and new ideas.



How would you describe your style ? 
Very playful, youthful, and spontaneous...but I'm definitely a dress / skirt girl. Jeans just make me feel so restricted and I feel like they're overused and unflattering on me.

Does the hosiery you wear dictate the clothes,outfit you wear ?
A little bit. Like if I get a new pair of tights that I really really want to wear, I'll build my outfit off the color or print. Sometimes though I like to wear mainly dark colors and let bright leg wear be the pop of the outfit.




What is in your hosiery drawer or closet ? 
Tights in every color, patter, a few pair of tall socks, and one pair of knee highs.

How do you choose your hosiery ? 
My feelings when it comes to tights is that you can never have enough. So if I see a pair that I don't have, I purchase them. Because then I have this huge drawer to choose from and I'm never short on options.



Where do you shop for hoseiry ? 
I love Target. A lot of people don't realize that Target is like a little hidden treasure for fashion. They have a full wall of tights in every color, pattern, and texture I've ever seen, and they're of a pretty decent quality. And they always have cute little girlish stocking that I'm trying to push myself to try.



What was the last item of hosiery you brought, how much you spent etc ?
I last bought some wonderful opaque floral print tights from Anthropologie when I was up in New York about a month ago. They were $20 and probably the most I've ever spend on a pair of tights. But they're amazing, and a real style challenge.

Do you prefer sheer or opaque tights,stockings or holdups,socks or kneehighs,sheer toe or reinforced ? 
I prefer opaque tights. I'm trying to experiment with slightly sheer black tights, because I really like the effect where you can see the natural skin tone showing through a little.

Do you ever wear 10 denier tights or sheer hose if so how long do they last you ?
I haven't because my hosiery is less along the lines of hose and more along the line of tights. I like to make a statement with my leg-wear.



How does wearing tights make you feel emotionally ? 
It definitely adds a touch of sweet girlish charm to my outfits. Because wearing tights all the time makes me stray away from pants and towards girlish skirts and dresses, and plus the variety of colors 



Do you physically like the feel of tights and touch ? 
I adore the feeling of tights. Textured ones can really play up the sexiness of your outfit. I much much prefer tights to pants. I think I have about three or four pairs of pants, and so many tights I can't count.

When do you wear hosiery,daily-once a week etc ?
I would say daily. I basically live in tights, except for at work when I'm forced into tailored slacks.



What is your hosiery staple ? 
A great black pattern tight. Maybe one with an intricate lace detail, because it can always spice up an outfit.

What are your style tips for wearing tights ?
Play around with unusually colored and patterned tights. It can be a challenge, but once you find a look that works for you, it feels great.



Do you keep a spare pair of tights in your bag ?
I always have a pair of just solid black ones, because those are the ones I wear the most and always tend to rip and wear out from age.

The best and worst things about hosiery, Love-hate ?
I love tights because they allow me so much freedom and movement...but I hate them because I feel like they snag so easily! And I come across a really great pair, I almost want to buy two so I won't be sad when the first pair go.



What would your advice be to someone who has never worn tights ?
Try it. You've probably never realized how confined pants make you feel. Plus I feel like jeans get a little boring, all just shades of blue.

How do you put on tights ? Whats the best way ?
I put my arm in the leg and scrunch it all the way up, then slide them over my leg as carefully as possible....yet somehow I always manage to get snags on them that I find at the end of the day and I'm just like...woah where did that come from?


Do you recycle your tights ?
Not usually, no. When they get rips that are really really noticeable, I toss them and try to replace them if I can.

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